Curious what I think about St. Vincent’s new album? Good! —because I have my own unique take on it.
I mean, of course, I Love it, but there’s so much more than just that.
For your reading enjoyment, I have reviewed three albums—or are they really just “lyric😉” poems?
You decide what they are.
But they all do have one thing in common—there was one requirement I placed on myself while writing them: each had to be exactly 100 words.
100 Word Review of Pearl Jam’s Dark Matter
Every band, a House. Every album, a Door - To a room once locked. You forget yourself inside the room’s “Dark Matter.” You, the one who chose to enter. Vedder said This: his band’s best work. I oppose, but understand. 50-something year- old men still shredding guitars, still punk rock “Running.” Yesterday’s grunge hero’s vibrantly -alive- (no pun). You listen (for fun) to Pearl Jam, You get Pearl Jam! “Waiting for Stevie” — their dissident, animal, anthem. Why go home in the “Setting Sun” — a low light called you in the door; house; room — as if, This Is Your. Last. Exit.
The Official Visualizer for “Setting Sun”
100 Word Review of St. Vincent’s All Born Screaming
HELL / she’s so hot / she’s on fire / IS NEAR / calmly aflame i hear her riders / RECKLESS / calling for me / they’re calling for me a BROKEN MAN / sashays okay / she’s 2024 / james bond partay twirl / soar / more? / war! / screaming for blood / screaming for blood she parfaits / SWEETEST FRUIT / the only FLEA / i could ever see / simply by listening / no one can blame us now cause / THE POWER’S OUT / the bombs inside these are / VIOLENT TIMES / wires / I hide / a straightjacket an abattoir / ALL THESE PLANETS / au revoir we are / nothing / more / we are / reborn dreaming BIG TIME NOTHING / ALL BORN SCREAMING
Official Video for “Broken Man”
100 Word Review of Charley Crockett’s $10 Cowboy
Ain’t he standing behind his guitar with $10 in his pocket, hobo king Busking New Orleans and NYC. That’s the Charley Crockett Shuffle Right there. Now all grown up, mining the bars with mason jars and midnight Rides. Cause him and trouble, they old friends, hard luck and circumstance. Diamond in the Rough, you’ve it tough, they’re old friends. Thrift store outlaw, like Johnny Cash, but Jukebox Charley, he’s too fast Rambling through truck stops, casinos and waffle houses America! he calls out through funky horns in his low rider voice hard living folk, these your songs, before you croak.
Official Audio for “Hard Luck & Circumstances”
Word of the Day—
Lyric Poetry
According to the Academy of American Poets:
Lyric poetry refers to a short poem, often with songlike qualities, that expresses the speaker’s personal emotions and feelings. Historically intended to be sung and accompany musical instrumentation, lyric now describes a broad category of non-narrative poetry, including elegies, odes, and sonnets.
I feel like I’ve had a breath of fresh air from wandering within a slog—somewhat hyperbolic but really, a st Vincent fan on Substack? Wonderful!!! Her new album is amazing, and from your words, I can see you’ve quite the grasp of that!